AI and Workforce

AI’s Influence Causes Unease in Workforce

August 30, 20243 min read

According to a recent Forbes Poll, about 77% of people express concerns about job loss in 2024 due to the rise of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This concern is felt across various industries, and the tire industry is no different. The 2024 Employment Tire Industry Trends Report, based on responses from 256 people, digs into how employees feel about AI and its impact on job security. While the report indicates an average concern score of 4.3 out of 10, suggesting employees aren’t overly worried about job impact in 2024, the Forbes poll emphasizes the importance of striking a careful balance between technology adoption and job stability.

To keep up with the changes, the tire industry needs to embrace AI, data, and analytics to move forward. Using advanced tech helps teams grow and achieve better results. Investing in AI-driven tools for managing teams, optimizing production, and predicting outcomes is not just a choice but a must for long-term success. Companies embracing these technologies show they’re forward-thinking, attracting candidates who love innovation and can steer success with data. For example, at our organization, we leverage ChatGPT. This tool is instrumental in our team’s growth, helping us in achieving better results. Recruiters within our team actively use ChatGPT to draft emails, address queries, and provide valuable content for both candidates and clients, illustrating the practical impact of embracing advanced tools in our day-to-day operations. Companies embracing such technologies showcase a forward-thinking approach, attracting candidates who thrive on innovation and can drive success through data.

Innovation in the tire industry relies on employees not just understanding data but working with it while keeping security and privacy in mind. Training programs, like the ones on Coursera, make sure the workforce not only gets data but also learns to handle it responsibly. Focusing on security and privacy builds a culture of good data ethics, making candidates with strong data skills, security, and privacy awareness top picks in hiring. Platforms like the IBM Data Science Community serve as handy resources, offering insights and best practices to keep employees updated on the latest in data science.

The tire industry’s growth means companies must be proactive about boosting employees’ skills. This becomes particularly crucial when considering the prevalent skills gap across the country, as highlighted by a report revealing 6 million unemployed individuals alongside 9 million job openings. Investing in training programs not only gives workers the skills they need but also opens up paths for career growth. Collaborating with schools and programs, shows a commitment to nurturing talent. Teaming up with platforms like Udacity for special courses and programs is a smart move, helping companies in the tire industry upgrade their workforce. A skilled team means more productivity and innovation in the always-changing tire industry.

The tire industry is at a turning point, with AI and tech changes making companies rethink how their workforce operates. Balancing worries about job security with the potential for growth through AI is a big challenge. Strategic investments in training, data literacy, and tech solutions can guide the tire industry through this change, turning it into a success story in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

Mike Cioffi is the founder of Talent Traction. You can reach him directly at [email protected] if you have any questions about this article.

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